Badsi se muta in Cloud: dealer-ul Nissan nr.1 in Romania implementeaza alaturi de IT HIT solutia Soft1 ERP.
Badsi este primul dealership Nissan din Romania, reusind sa aduca aceasta marca la inceputul anilor 90. De la infiintare si pana in prezent compania a evoluat foarte mult iar in momentul acesta este una din primele companii din Romania care a inceput transformarea organizationala de la o structura ierarhica la una “flat management” de tip Holacracy, respectand astfel principiile TEAL de reinventare organizationala. Astfel, BADSI tinde sa devina o organizatie centrata pe oameni, sustenabila si bazata pe invatare si sa ramana in acelasi timp la o performanta de top in zona de mobilitate. In acest sens de exemplu, recrutarile BADSI sunt focusate pe atitudinea si aspiratiile candidatilor si nu pe pregatirea lor.
Serviciile oferite in acest moment sunt de vanzare autovehicule noi, autovehicule multibrand cu vechime cat mai mica si flote auto. Sunt oferite de asemenea si serviciile de service auto pentru marcile Nissan, Dacia si multimarca, atat pentru mecanica cat si pentru caroserie. Nu in ultimul rand, pentru a ne sustine clientii si in momentele mai putin placute, suntem alaturi de ei prin departamentul de autoconstatari daune ce realizeaza autoconstatari pentru asigurarile casco prin Omniasig si Groupama.
Cum stim ca Soft1 ERP este alegerea cea mai buna? Atunci cand clientii multumiti ne recomanda.
“Why did we chose Softone and IT HIT?
After going through a list of suppliers we found Softones solution most close to our needs.
One of the biggest reason why it fits us so well is due to its capability to run on cloud infrastructure. Feature wise, the Softone system is quite similar to other ERP solutions in the market but Softone comes with Google drive and Calendar integration in the default configuration. Overall system has a lot of features that fulfill most of our needs. To better suit our needs Softone make customization easy by allowing users to edit tables and views. Softones editor is very intuitive and easy to use, hence our teams can be dynamic and implement changes in ERP with confidence.
With good software, we were lucky to find a very dedicated team to implement the system with us. IT HIT team was one of the teams who went an extra mile during sales process to ensure that we make the right decision. Given the scale of the project it was hard for our team to decide on the solutions. Most of the supplier only agreed to provide live demos and answer our questions. IT HIT team provided extra support needed beyond just a demo. They made us feel that we are getting into a partnership and not a client supplier relationship. “Ajay Rathore – BADSI
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